I picked up the Chatoe Rogue First Growth Wet Hop Ale (CRFGWHA for short?) at the inimitable State Line Liquors in Elkon, MD, along with a bunch of other great beers. I was unaware Rogue was putting out a fresh-hop, so when I saw the last one sitting on the shelf, it was all over. I cracked it open Tuesday night with some Cabot cheddar cheese my uncle Bob from VT gifted me with the weekend before. Let the reviewing commence:
Appearance: Poured a dark amber color with good head retention. Color was darker than I anticipated, but it that's not a bad thing.
Smell: Fresh hops are obviously front and center. Grassier than an IPA with kiln-dried hops, the organics of the fresh hops used here remain.
Taste: A lot sweeter than the smell let on. I was surprised how
Mouthfeel: Nice and balanced, medium carbonation. No aftertaste really stuck around too long.
Drinkability: I doubt anyone would have too many of these on hand at once, but this beer is very drinkable. At 6.4% ABV and 40 IBUs its not too strong to enjoy a couple pints if you see it on tap anywhere. As Jimmy noticed, there's at least one more beer in this Chatoe Rogue series, so I'm looking forward to see what else they can cook up with their own hops in the kettle.
HOLY CRAP!!!! Alex with a review!!!!!
Just want to say that I give a 10/10 on the logo with the fist grasping the harvest. Also another high rating to your exquisite cheese plate next to glass :). I really digged this bomber and remember the strong grass hops and very natural crisp refreshing taste that made me crave to have on draft. Difficult for me to distinguish style...felt like a cross between fresh hop, pale ale, and IPA
Nice cheese!!!
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