Appearance: Poured into a Duvel tulip glass that becomes impossible to see through due to its black-as-night color. TONS of tan creamy head that leaves some lacing on the glass as it recedes.
Smell: Piney hops and a bit of roasted malts, maybe some honey, then finishes with a little bit of fruit and citrus. Every time I go in for another whiff, I pick up something new, very enticing.
Taste: A swirl of roasted and chocolate malts are the undeniable backbone of this brew, but not overpowering. Hints of citrus hops, but extremely subtle. This is about what I expected since most of the hops from the scent are coming from the dry-hopping. However, it's just enough hop bite because the malts can definitely stand on their own.
Mouthfeel: Medium bodied with perfect medium carbonation, I don't like when something is overly carbonated and doesn't let the flavors of the beer shine through. This has just enough to tickle the palate while coating it. A tiny bit of bitterness on the aftertaste and almost no alcoholic bite, which leads to...
Drinkability: What a smooth beer! Some might see the black appearance and think it would give you the same chunky full bodied feel of a stout or porter. Some might see the 8.69% abv and think you wouldn't want more than one or two in a night. Some people would be wrong. This bomber is going down so fast I could go for another bomber of this or even a nightcap barleywine. I would like to have more black lagers before I give this a perfect rating, but if they are all like this one, I may have discovered my new favorite style. 9.5/10 and highly recommended next time you see this in your local beer store.
Glass type: Duvel tulip glass
Serving type: Bottle, 22 oz.
"This bomber is going down so fast I could go for another bomber of this or even a nightcap barleywine." hahaha, thats my boy mikey!!! Yeah, I can't wait to try this one. Despite it not being a hop bomb, this style in combination with avery anniversary series just screams winner. Solid review
-Question: What kind of beer is best?
-That's a ridiculous question.
-False. Black beer.
-That's debatable. There are basically two schools of thought...
-Fact: Beers eat beets. Beers. Beets. Battlestar Galactica.
this is the second awesome review of this beer. I have it sitting, waiting patiently for me- it is about time I open it up
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