Appearance: Pours a cloudy golden amber color with a couple inches of head. Trails of carbonation rising to the top.
Smell: Strong floral hop scents with some fruit, oranges, lemon zest, and others. Almost no malt to speak of.
Taste: Huge fruit hop flavor, grapefruit maybe, with hints of spice and fruit zest. The bottle was right, a true hop monster, especially as the brew warms up.
Mouthfeel: Light bodied and a little oily coating on the palate from the hop oils, well carbonated, an alcoholic and hop bitter aftertaste.
Drinkability: The smell and taste are fantastic, but the alcoholic aftertaste makes more than one bomber a little hard to pull off. It's probably better that way since the abv is 10%. Definitely a beer that belongs towards the end of a night of drinking. This beer definitely grew on me as it got warmer...or as the alcohol got to my head. 9/10
Glass type: Dogfish Head bullet/pint glass
Serving type: Bottle, 22 oz.
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