Appearance: A very cloudy, deep red almost brown color that pours a quarter finger of head with little retention. Looks dead as the bubbles slowly rise to the top hinting away from the possibilities of carbonation.
Smell: A good mix of the dank and resiny hops with sweet and sugary malts ("like candy" -Jimmy). A really good balance of smell and just a good combination in general. Nothing is too overpowering.
Taste: For a double IPA you expect for the hops to be in the forefront, but the sweet malts take center stage. After a couple sips you can pick out the hops, but not like you would expect. Very sweet almost like a barleywine. Jimmy has had this on a different occasion and said it wasn't as sweet and that you could notice the hops better. This used to be his favorite east coast DIPA, but this might change his mind.
Mouthfeel: Not carbonated well. The aftertaste is quite interesting: the sweet malts melt away which leaves that desired hop lacing sensation that tickles the tongue. Thick enough for this DIPA.
Drinkability: We could probably have one more, but the sweetness is just too much for repetitive drinking in a night. The 9% abv gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling after one, so there's not really a need to have more in a night. Our suspicions are that this six pack might have been on the shelves a little too long because Jimmy and King Adubahbi have had much better experiences with this one. However, just basing on this tasting, we have to give it a 7/10. We might revisit this in the future.
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