Appearance: Clear, crisp orange color with about a finger of head that lasts for a little while, plenty of carbonation rising to the top.
Smell: Spicey hops and a sweet caramel malt essence, it's kind of an interesting mix because if the color orange had a smell, to me this would be it.
Taste: The sweetness is the first thing you noticed and is what gives its dominant flavor and aftertaste, the spiciness comes in like a topping on a burger, adds that little something but isn't the highlight.
Mouthfeel: A good thickness, not too watery or too heavy, perfectly carbonated, it's like the bubbles do a little dance on your tongue before receding down the throat.
Drinkability: I really enjoyed this beer, I haven't had many of this style, but between the sweet flavors and the light texture, its almost comparable to a Belgian. Decently complex flavor, and at 10% abv its relatively easy to drink, although the alcohol does make some presence in the smell and aftertaste. I would only recommend a bomber of this in one night, but definitely worth stocking up on. I'm gonna give it an 8.5/10, but I could be swayed to a 9 by the end of the bomber.
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