Appearance - Clear, light, almost watery like Natty. Solid two fingers of fluffy head with constant carbonation bubbles escaping to the top.
Smell - First reaction I was taken aback as I am not used to the wheat style. Fragrant antique store wheats and hops are not even vaguely present.
Taste - Refreshing and simple to the pallet (I am sure the brewing process was not simple). Sour with that chamomile floral taste with some water crackers
Mouthfeel - Smooth, not as watery as looks.
Drinkability - New style for me. Based on the style, I give it 7/10. I could drink many glasses of this but would probably get bored as I am a hop monster. 4.6% abv
Update - I just read the label and it says that this ale is ALL MALTS
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