Saturday, April 4, 2009

Anchor Summer Beer

Wanted to try something new, so I picked up a six pack of this beer at Bottle King today (by the way, this liquor store was packed!!! Even in this recession, people are buying the booze. Well then again, you can make the assumption that more people drink to drown their sorrows in a recession). It may not be summer yet but hell, I'll drink any type of beer any day of the year.

Appearance - Clear, light, almost watery like Natty. Solid two fingers of fluffy head with constant carbonation bubbles escaping to the top.

Smell - First reaction I was taken aback as I am not used to the wheat style. Fragrant antique store wheats and hops are not even vaguely present.

Taste - Refreshing and simple to the pallet (I am sure the brewing process was not simple). Sour with that chamomile floral taste with some water crackers

Mouthfeel - Smooth, not as watery as looks.

Drinkability - New style for me. Based on the style, I give it 7/10. I could drink many glasses of this but would probably get bored as I am a hop monster. 4.6% abv

Update - I just read the label and it says that this ale is ALL MALTS

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