Appearance: Pours with a somewhat cloudy golden color with barely a finger of head, alive with bubbles rising to the top, and the little bit of head that exists is surprisingly lacey.
Smell: I don't know if its my allergies acting up, but the smell isn't very strong, it does have some hints of floral hops with some fruitiness and a dash of spice.
Taste: The taste has a much stronger hop presence than the smell, starting with that floral fruity bit and leaving with the spiciness, a tiny bit of sweetness that could be coming from the malts, but it could just be playing tricks with me.
Mouthfeel: Well carbonated but not overly so, a little watery, but not too light.
Drinkability: The spiciness and other interesting flavors that come at you make it a nice beer to try, but it can wear you down and make you tired of it by the end of beer #1. It's not that the 6.9% abv is too strong, as is obvious from our other reviews we can drink higher abv beers in more quantity, but the unique flavors are not conducive to drinking more than one or two in a row before you want something else. Not my favorite from Brooklyn Brewery, but still worth a tasting. It gets a 7/10 from me.
*NOTE: I freakin hate using "Drinkability" ever since Bud Light decided that would be its new excuse to drink its hog sweat they call beer. However, I think we contest that our definitions are different: we say drinkability is about repeatability based on taste, quality, alcoholic strength, and overall satisfaction; their definition is not dying upon instant consumption, although that is debatable. /End rant
Glass type: Sam Adams glass
Serving type: bottle
If Bud Light can advertise their beer for its drinkability, I hereby call on food vendors to advertise their products' eatability.
hahahah, you boys be nice now. You forgot to mention Miller Lite and their new TRIPLE HOPPED!!!!!! commercials.
HAHA how could I forget!
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